Monday, February 28, 2011

Ghost Lovin'

Can you really cheat on your partner with a ghost?  My boyfriend thinks so, he doesn't want me to even look at a ghost with lustful intent.  I don't see what the big deal is.  It's a ghost!  It's not like I would carry on a secondary relationship with this ghost; I swear it would be a one time thing.  Some people claim that they are in love with a certain, special ghost.  I say that those folks need to get out and meet some alive people.  How can you take a ghost to meet your parents?  How about your friends?  And what about counseling?  You two are going to need it, since you don't live on the same plain of existence.  No, I wouldn't ever think a ghost is my soul-mate that will find me when I pass on and we'll live together as happy spirits for all eternity.  I don't want to have a seance everytime I want to go on a date.  But a one night ghost stand, that sounds like fun.
As a female, there's always a concern of getting pregant when you aren't ready.  Not with a ghost!  They can't spread their ghost DNA on and make a hybrid baby.  No mess, no baby.  Sorry to be so vulgar, but I'm sure it's a concern we all have when pursuing a ghost love fest.  As a male, well, you don't have to worry about being an accidental father of a half-ghost baby.  So with all that out of the way, let's talk about fun things.
I really don't think that having sex with a ghost constitutes as cheating.  Most people don't even know where to begin to look for a sexy ghost partner.  Psychics and sensitives might.  Maybe you should talk to one of them.  But then again, you really shouldn't do that if you are in a committed relationship.  Unless you're both open to it.  That might be interesting.  However, your partner really can't say anything if you accidentally sleep with a ghost.  If one comes to you in the middle of the night and seduces you in your half-awake state, how is that your fault?  It's not like you're visiting a hotel where a ghost is known to put the moves on its visitors.  And if you do happen to visit one of these hotels, it's not like you knew about it ahead of time.  And if you do know about it ahead of time, it's not like you really need to tell your partner.  I mean, there's no guarantee that the ghost will find you attractive.  It isn't wrong to hope it does.  We all want to be found attractive.  It isn't cheating!  If you don't do it on purpose, you can't be blamed.  It's like accidentally having a sexy dream about someone else besides your partner.  How is that your fault?
Just beware of Incubi and Succubi.  They will be covered by me later on.  I just want to bring up the point that ghost sex isn't cheating.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Umm...I may have to agree with the BF on this one. I think it's cheating. Totally. Dirty, sexy, ghost cheating. Yup.
